​A . What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?

I had done a one point perspective drawing before, in which I made an "x" on the back wall and drew a point in the center of the x. I did not know that this was called the vanishing point, or that diagonal lines are called orthogonal and must come out of the vanishing point.

B. How did learning this thing make your drawings better?

Before, I had made diagonal lines parallel to each other, but a one point perspective drawing looks more realistic and three-dimensional if the diagonal lines are all orthogonal, and come out of the vanishing point. The objects in this drawing seem to stretch out of the paper due to the orthogonals.

C. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I would be more careful when going over my lines in marker, and would have only used the thin-tipped sharpie instead of using both a regular sharpie and a thin-tipped one.  I made a few mistakes from extending my lines too far in marker, and from being a little impatient. I should have taken my time and experimented more, by changing the length of the lines in pencil, to make the sizes of objects seem more realistic and visually appealing.

If Ms. Hull had allowed it, I would have used a different type of paper, because the paper we used was too smooth to shade in with colored-pencils. I had to switch to crayon to get most of the coloring done, and the wax tended to rub off the paper. The markers stayed on though. Next time, I may not color the drawing in at all.

D. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

Do not be afraid to start drawing. As long as you use a ruler, find a vanishing point, and only use orthogonal, vertical, and horizontal lines, the drawing will look accurate and amazing. Even if you have done a one perspective drawing before, there will always be lines to erase. Just keep drawing lines and observing the room, and before you realize it, you will have captured three-dimensional objects on paper. As you complete the drawing, it will seem to become easier.

E. What resource helped you the most and why?

Watching other people draw and asking them for advice helped me the most. I am mostly a tactile learner, and it helps to see the process of how to line up the ruler, and the lines needed to set up the paper in the order they are made. Watching people sketch parts of the room was easier to understand than looking at a photo. If I had only seen photos, I would have had to guess which lines are made when. Plus, people can give me feedback on my own drawing as they draw their own.

I could not imagine how to draw the stools. I was able to use Google Images and see what a stool looks like in a one perspective drawing, From there, I was able to sketch the stools on my own paper.

I was unable to take pictures of the room that showed everything I wanted to draw in detail. Plus, it was hard to remember what colors the walls and ceiling tiles were. So, I looked at videos from educon that were filmed in the art room to make my drawing look accurate when finishing at home.

marker one perspective drawing 001 (1)
marker one perspective drawing 001 (1)